Basic Hold'Em Strategy

 Basic Hold'Em Strategy

It's time to get back to basics with Strategy for Beginners. We're discovering that poker is much more than just a card-game. It's a game that requires skill, strategy, knowledge, and luck. It's about making sound betting decisions, and making wise decisions about what hands you play. The more advanced a player is, the less they get dealt. Advanced players have good starting hands. A novice player may struggle to see why an experienced player chose to stay in a hand. It all comes down to the other variables that influence strategy, including position, starting hands, pot odds and outs, skill, level, and many more.

It is essential for beginners to learn Hold 'Em that they know the best starting hands and understand how to make a winning hand using those starter cards. It is important to understand that position - the place you sit at a table - can have a significant impact on strategy. The button is the most important spot at the table, as the player who acts last is the one that is most influential. The blinds MUST bet. It's difficult to see if they have anything until the flop. If there is a raise, the small blind can fold prior to the flop. However, the button and blinds can bluff much earlier than they are.

For beginners, it is best to raise in the first or second act. This will narrow the field and allow you to play more hands in later positions (nearest dealer). You should play fewer marginal hands if someone raises before yours. Remember, poker is psychology. If you have a good hand early on, the rest may not want to see it. Therefore, you can place a small bet to appear weak, and then force a raise later. Your starting hand must be stronger the more players are in front of it. Even starter cards like pocket Aces that come along every 220 hands may not look as strong once the flop hits. Poker Strategy - Hold Em
